Sustainabilty Services

Sustainability strategy

Appraisal of your total business footprint. This is about the bigger picture, where you are now and where you want to be. The output is a framework for your sustainability strategy.

Sustainable Packaging

Absolute clarity on the packaging solution you already have, how sustainable it is, whether it can be improved and how best to communicate it. If you make a product how you pack it is one of the most tricky descions you have to make and has so many considerations. There is rarely a pefect answer but we can help you work out the right answer for you and how best to communicate those choices to your cusotmers.

Sustainability Communications

If if you are doing the right things, do your customers, suppliers, stakeholders know what and why? We can help, with key messages, long form copy and Q&A's, sustainability content for websites and social and envoirmental statements.

Supplier & Stakeholder engagement

Development of a user friendly, simple SSAs (supplier sustainability assessments), plus guidance for calls with all suppliers to ensure they embed them (rather than it being a meaningless admin exercise). We can also give you hand in explaning to suppliers and stakeholders why you are making the choices you do and getting them exicited about it. We can also give guidance on B-CORP and other suistaianbility accreditations.

Business consultancy

Business Strategy

What is the business trying to achieve and how should it get there. Most businesses have a plan when the set off on their journey. After a bit of time what is often missing is re-calibration on the compass and sometimes redefining the endpoint.

As Mike Tyson once stated, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”. Doing business is a bit like this and plans must forever be adapted along the way.

Marketing planning and branding

You have a brilliant product and brand, you now need to find ways to let people know what it is you do and how it can help them achieve their goals. This means understanding your customers, what they really want, how your product makes them feel and then working out what they need to see and hear.

Financial planning and Performance

Help to understand what do your current finances look like i.e. your P&L, cashflow and balance sheet. What are the future projections and what are the risks and requirements? This need not be complicated. A few simple checks can help you fix any issues and spend more time on the fun stuff.

Funding plan

Getting funding is a daunting task. Setting the right valuation, managing existing shareholders, finding new investors, choosing the right method, coming up with the right pitch etc. We can help navigate this minefield.

Channel and Product planning

Guidance with sales strategy covering retail, D2C (Direct to consumer) and export. What products go should be sold to who and how.

Direct to Consumer implementation

Helping you with the strategy and setup to sell directly to the consumer. This much more than an alternative to selling via the retailers, it’s about control, direct interaction with your end customer, the ability to test and get feedback, all while adding another powerful sales channel to your business.

Supply Chain planning and supplier management

We can look at what you are currently doing, what bits are causing headaches and find solutions. We can advise the best routes forward considering costs, complexity and sustainability.

We are also able to do put together so tools and models so you can get more control over what you do.

Founder coaching

Helping founders be clear on their personal objectives and their objectives as a business. Once you are clear on that your own aspirations will find it so much easier to orientate your business goals around your own.